Friday, January 21, 2011

Natural Newbie Giveaway Winner!

Well the time has come for me to announce the winner of the Newbie Giveaway! I had some awesome submissions, and I'm thankful to everyone who participated. You all have some great stories, and I hope and pray that you all stay encouraged in this journey! Unfortunately, though, there can only be one winner (this time). And that winner is..... *drum roll*
Dawnica aka "Lady Hicks"!

I loved what she had to say about her decision to go natural and what she's discovered about herself in the time since deciding to transition. She writes:

My story started in September 2009. In route to my beautician to get a relaxer, I had thoughts in my head at this particular time where I wanted a change. At this point, my hair was down to my shoulders, so I was wanting some[thing] young and fun. I decided to get it cut into a long bob....but that not what I received. When I left, I went from a beautiful long tresses to a mushroom mess....not to mention I had a huge patch of hair "missing" in the back of my head.  Around that same time, I started reading Psalms 139 and begin to realize that God truly made me unique and here I was trying to be a copycat of what I thought I should be. That's when I decided to go natural...but unfortunately I received no support from family and friends. I got so much discouragement from people..which pushed me closer to what God truly thought of me. His Word says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Since that time I have encouraged and  helped others to the natural side thru videos and information I have found on the damaging effects of chemical relaxer and natural hairstyles that a "non" professional can achieve.I had my BC in July 2010 and I love my hair. In becoming natural and loving it, I have inspired 6 of my friends to make the switch to become natural and embrace the way God made them. I have also created a Facebook page "For Nappy Girls Only" as a forum to swap hair tips, share hair journeys and offer encouragement to other transitioning ladies. I love my hair and will continue to encourage others to love themselves the way God designed us:
as a
BEAUTY- Be Exactly A Unique Type= YOU

Thank you for your submission Lady Hicks! You are a BEAUTY, inside and out! Be sure to email me an address to send your gift, as well as whether you'd like to receive a hair accessory or jewelry.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I won!!! That is so cool!! Wow, my pic is so huge,lol!!! Thanks Tori!!1


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