Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To The Newbies Who Feel Overwhelmed

It seems like a lot sometimes, huh? Searching for the perfect products, the right routine. Spending money on different gadgets to see "What does this do?" Reading or hearing conflicting advice from supposed "experts." The hair envy. Deciding whether to take on your newly nappy hair or entrusting it to someone else. Learning what seems like a whole new language, not to mention chemistry and cooking, apparently!

Although it can get a bit overwhelming, take my simple advice:

Don't Stress!

It is a learning process, and just like pretty much anything else, you won't learn it overnight. It's trial and error. Over time you'll learn what products your hair does & doesn't like, what styles work best for you, and what corners you can cut with minimal damage. (My corner cutting confession: I don't detangle like I should. I let my curls just sit there however they turn out, especially when I do my wash & go. Fortunately I have my tangling/knots are at a minimum.)

So read the blogs, try the products. Eventually you will find your groove. Til then, have fun experimenting!

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