Friday, August 6, 2010

31BNB Challenge: Day 5 & 6

Today's Yesterday's challenge was to comment on three blogs that I've never commented on before. I took it one baby step further and decided to comment on three blogs I've never even read before. I checked out's list of bloggers that participated in the day 4 challenge and picked the following three:

  • 5 Steps to Begin Your Nonprofit Career: chosen because I eventually plan on having two non-profits within the next 5- 10 years (maybe I've mentioned this on The Eclectic, I'm not sure).  In this post Madelyn outlines five valuable steps to kick start that. My Nonprofit Experience will definitely be a blog that I frequent, especially as the time draws closer for me to put my plan into action.

  • 3 Reasons Why I Can't Be Your Shrink: I knew from the title that this was going to be a fun post, and it was! And oddly, I could relate to it...

  • Lola Gets a Life: A List Post: Miss Lola lists her favorite things in her post, and I have to co-sign on a lot of it! Added bonus: she has beautiful natural hair! She makes mention of the Jane Carter Solution. I've never heard of that product line, but she's used the styling products. If any of you know about it/have tried it, let me know!

So there you have it! If nothing else, this 31BNB challenge has exposed me to some awesome bloggers... My blogroll is looking real fat right about now!

*I linked the blogs that I commented on & am now following as my activity for Day 6. Look at me working smarter, not harder! Now I'm all caught up!*


  1. Uhm...I don't know if that passes for Day 6!! :P

  2. I knew someone would come over and give me a hard time for that! lol


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