Monday, February 15, 2010

Two-strand Twists & Twist out

I'm sooo slack, I know! I was supposed to have this posted on Saturday! But at least this way, I get to do two posts at once, so that makes it okay, right? LOL 

I wore my two-strand twists Saturday & Sunday, then did a twist-out for yesterday. Today my twist-out is looking like a faux-fro and I LOOOOOVE it! This little experiment with my hair has me even more anxious to go ahead and cut it!

Anyway, on to the pix...


First pix of the twists. Not quite what I wanted, but decent for a first try!

Fresh twist-out. Wasn't feeling it too much at first...

But today I love it! 

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE twistouts!You look fabulous!


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