Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm going to try something different...

Next Saturday I'm going to this big Christmas extravaganza that one of my organizations puts on every year. It's a rare time when I get all jazzy and whatnot, and this year is no exception. I'm gonna abandon my signature straight hair and go for something a little lot more curly. Everyone who knows me knows that in the past I have despised curls... but I think its just because they never come out how I expect them to. Hopefully that will not be the case this time. (Oh, this could be the Christmas miracle to transform me from the Grinch to... ummmm, whatever the opposite of the Grinch is... Santa?)


Aaaaanyway, here is the look I'll be going for. This is absolutely gorgeous on her! If I can get something similar to happen, I'll post a pic... If not, we'll act like this whole post never happened...  

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